WP5 Leader Partner:  Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
WP5 Lead Contact Person:   Vassilikli Vassilopoulou
Contact details for Coordinator: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

WP5 includes a range of measures designed to communicate the project and its results to a wide audience, across a range of stakeholder, policy-making, academic and community groups, both throughout the project region and beyond.
Particular efforts will be made to bring the project to the attention of policy-making and marine planning communities in coastal member states and beyond, by networking activities and participation in existing events and by the supportive participation of the several Institutional Bodies in the partnership, as well as Observers. Stakeholders will be invited to participate in the project via the organized events and to engage with the development of transboundary MSP via informal discussions and formal consultation.
The methodology for the project will be designed to maximize the involvement of government authorities, user groups and other interested parties, who will be important channels for communicating the outcomes of the project to key players in the development of MSP throughout Europe and beyond. Technical partners will support the raising awareness and diffusions of project results through their networks, as well as to key players for the implementation of MSP in AI Macroregion and beyond.
5.1 Communication & Dissemination Plan
5.2 Stakeholder Involvement
5.3 Plan execution

5.1 Communication & Dissemination Plan

Coordination: HCMR
Task Leader: Mairi Maniopoulou
Contact Details for Task Leader: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The communication & dissemination plan will consist in a strategic document containing the detailed targets, contents, timing and tools for communication (project Website, fact sheets, kick-off event, workshops and organized events, final conference, periodical articles, publications). Communication contents will be delivered according to the project phases, as well as tailored according to different targets/stakeholders involved. Institutional partners will be involved in networking, communication and dissemination through the networks already developed because of their Institutional role.

5.2 Stakeholder Involvement

Coordination: CNR
Task Leader: Loredana Alfare
Contact Details for Task Leader: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The activity will be dedicated to organize and manage the stakeholders’ involvement within the project
As support to this activity, a Stakeholder Forum will be built on the project website, being the virtual place where the stakeholder contribution can take place. Interaction with the stakeholders will also develop through already established fora, in particular those of project RITMARE and AdriGov, the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative, the Adriatic-Ionian Euroregion, Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Cities, Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce. Through these fora it will be possible to involve stakeholders from AI non-EU countries in the activities, besides the direct presence in the project of observers from those countries.

5.3 Plan execution

Coordination: HCMR
Task Leader: Paraskevi Karachle
Contact Details for Task Leader: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This task will put in place during the project what scheduled in the Communication and dissemination plan. As a preliminary schedule, the kick-off conference will be organized by City of Rijeka; the workshops will be organized in Trieste or in Southern Italy and in Greece, while the final conference will take place in Venice.