People and Contacts


Project Coordinator

S.Marco 2847 Venice 30124 Italy


Phone: +39 041 2402511


Skill & Experience:

Associate researcher to ISMAR CNR. Managing Director of CORILA. Italian national expert in the Program Committee of the H2020 Societal Challenge “Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research & the bio-economy”; played the same role in the FP7 Program Committee “Environment (including Climate changes)”. Member of the Executive Committee of the Management Board of the JPI Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans, appointed by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.

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Other information:
Degree in Electrical Engineering (1984), post-lauream diploma in Plasma Physics (1985). Public qualification for the Engineering profession (1985) From 1987 to 1998, he was tenured researcher of National Council Research and contract professor in the University of Padua and Udine, acquiring international experience in large scientific projects in Fusion research. He was also CEO and President of a company between local public administrations. In the role of CORILA’s director, he managed several research programs, complex monitoring programs (for the construction of MOSE system and for the implementation of WFD in the lagoon of Venice) and territorial plans (Morphological Plan for the Venice Lagoon), funded by the Italian Government. He was co-founder and President of LaguNet, the Italian network on lagoon research and co-founder of the European Association EUROMEDLAG. He is co-chair of the Working Group on GNSS of NEREUS, Network of European Regions interested in Space technologies. He is resident member of Ateneo Veneto. He was awarded in 2009 with the Prize for Excellence of managers’ national association MANAGERITALIA, for the results achieved in management of scientific research. He participates, with leading roles, in various European projects such as FP6 SPICOSA and ENCORA and FP7 (THESEUS; KULTURISK, VISION RD4SD and DANCERS), CENTRAL EUROPE (UHI),MED Programme (APICE), e-Content Programme (GIS4 EU), DG ENV (OURCOAST and Technical and administrative support for the joint implementation of the MSFD by the Mediterranean European Member States). He was part of the “Group of Ten” established with the support of the EC-DG MARE in 2009 for establishing a stakeholder platform related to the Integrated Maritime Policy. He participated as invited speaker by the EC in the workshops related to the macro regional EUSAIR strategy. Concerning specifically MSP, he followed the launching of the European roadmap on MSP since the beginning, participating to the EC seminars held in 2009 in Brussels and in the Azores. He is author of several scientific papers, reviewer and member of the Editorial board of scientific journals, editor of volumes on the safeguarding of Venice, lecturer for the Venice International University.

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