WP4 - Management & Coordination
WP4 Leader Partner: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Scienze Marine
WP4 Lead Contact Person: Pierpaolo Campostrini
Contact details for Coordinator: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Premises for a project management activity allowing to achieve the required quality, meet the deadlines and establish a real partnership are:
- Presence in the organization structure of all the necessary functions;
- Definition of roles and responsibilities (organization and reference person);
- Definition of rules for communication inside and outside the consortium;
- Definition of a detailed timetable of the activities (Gantt), with critical paths and milestones;
- Identification of deliverables.
Moreover, a careful risk management approach needs to be adopted in order to anticipate, manage and solve difficulties due to external factors or non-fulfillment of obligations by partners. Potential risks include:
- Difficulties in acquiring data needed to develop the assessment and the analysis;
- Difficulties in building a reasonable consensus on the proposed approaches and recommendation, limiting their implementation potential;
- Operational or financial difficulties of partners;
- Poor participation of Observers and Stakeholders.
The management team and all the WP / Task Leaders will adopt a proactive approach to anticipating and therefore minimising these risks, that will represent a key topic in the agenda of each Steering Group meeting. The Commission will be informed by the Lead Partner in due time of events that may compromise the progress and the results of the project.
Task 4.1 Physical advancement: control of the regular advancement of activities, production of deliverables, milestone reached, etc.;
Task 4.2 Internal and external interfaces: definition of internal and external interfaces and management of the communication and exchange of data and information;
Task 4.3 Administrative and financial management: expenditures’ monitoring and control, financial reporting in correspondence of Interim and Final Reports.