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S.Marco 2847 Venice 30124 Italy


Phone: +39 041 2402518


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Degree in Political Science - International relations at the University of Padua (2002). She obtained a DESS (Diplome d’Etude Supérieure Specialisé) at the University of Paris Sud with a thesis on the European Program GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security). In 2003 she carried out an internship at the European Space Agency – ESA (Public and Institutional relations office). She joined CORILA in 2006, working mainly in the field of marine and coastal policies, sustainable development policies and disaster risk reduction strategies. She is involved in European projects such as ADRIPLAN (DG MARE), Technical and administrative support for the joint implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive by the Mediterranean European Member States (DG ENV), OURCOAST (DG ENV), KULTURISK (FP7), ObservAirYourbusiness (CIP) and Networks (NEREUS, UNISDR Campaign “Making cities resilient”). Her role is related mainly to stakeholder involvement procedure and analysis, policies’ review, dissemination of outcomes to decision makers.

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