Degree in geology (1984) and Ph.D in Earth Sciences (1988) and a background in environmental geochemistry and coastal oceanography. Manager of the Environmental and Territory Engineering Division of Thetis S.p.A. - Venice (2009-2011), Senior Researcher at ISPRA (Italian National Environmental Agency) - Rome and Senior Consultant of the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea (2007-2008), Project Manager and Environmental Engineering Area Manager at Thetis S.p.A. (1999-2006). Competence and experiences in the following fields: ICZM; coastal oceanography and ecology of marine and transitional water bodies; environmental master planning and EIS, with specific reference to water resources, remediation of contaminated sites, sediment management; environmental monitoring networks and systems; environmental policy implementation; knowledge brokering / science-policy interface. In the last 15 years he was involved, designed and/or coordinated a number of projects dealing with the safeguarding of Venice and its Lagoon. Lecturer at International Courses promoted by the Italian Ministry of the Environment for Eastern Europe countries and China (2004-2009). Team Leader of the Red Sea Study, one of the Additional Studies of the Red Sea - Dead Sea Water Conveyance Study Program (World Bank) (2010-2011). Senior expert in two services for DG ENV supporting new policy tools for ICZM (Analysis of Member States progress reports on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM); Options for coastal information systems) and for EEA within the ETC-CCA - European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation (2011). Presently involved in the “RITMARE Flagship Programme - The Italian research for the sea” as responsible on behalf of CNR-ISMAR of the Action dealing with science to policy transfer and involvement of Administrations and stakeholders. Member of the Steering Group of SedNet (Sediment European Network) since 2007.