
Task 2.1 Leader

Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C Trieste 34010 Italy


Phone: +39 040 2140391

Fax: +39 040 2140266

Affiliation: OGS

Skill & Experience:

Oceanographic data management, scientific data validation and processing

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Other information:
Coordinator of NODC (National Oceanographic Data Center/IOC) OGS/OCE research unit. She graduated in Mathematics at University of Trieste (Italy) in 1994. Since 1995 working at OGS in the field of physical oceanography, mainly concerned with oceanographic data management, scientific data validation and processing; participating in several national and international projects (MODB, MATER, MEDAR, SeaSearch, EDIOS, ADRICOSM and ADRICOSM-EXT); scientific coordinator of OGS activities within SeaDataNet, ADRICOSM-STAR and the National meteo-marine data archive project ARCHIMEDE. At present she is coordinator of the EMODNet Chemical lot.