
Advisory Board Member

Palmaille 9 Hamburg 22767 Germany


Phone: +49 (0) 40 38905 236

Fax: +49 (0) 40 38905 263

Affiliation: TI Institute for Sea Fisheries

Skill & Experience:

Development of practical tools for marine spatial planning and the strategic support for implementation of MSFD. Analysis of conflicts between fisheries and other uses such as the offshore renewables and valuable ecosystem components, using integrated temporal and spatial modelling approaches and probabilistic risk assessment of spatial management options.

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Other information:
heading the section of marine spatial use and integrated ecosystem based management at TI Institute for Sea Fisheries in Hamburg, Germany where she is working on the development of methods and tools to support an ecosystem based marine spatial management and integrated ecosystem assessments. After a PhD in spatial fisheries ecology at the University of Oldenburg, Germany she conducted a Postdoc project (2005-2007) on fisheries effects of MPAs at the Institute of Marine Science in Barcelona, Spain. At CEFAS, Lowestoft, UK she worked as a marine scientist (2007-2009) on the development of practical tools for marine spatial planning and the strategic support for the UK implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Her present work comprises the analysis of conflicts between fisheries and other uses such as the offshore renewables and valuable ecosystem components with the help of integrated temporal and spatial modelling approaches and probabilistic risk assessment of spatial management options. As a work package leader she is currently in charge within the European projects MESMA, COEXIST, and BEST. Furthermore, she is a member of the ICES working groups on marine spatial management (WGMPCZM), ecosystem effects of fishing (WGECO) and integrated assessments of the North Sea (WGINOSE). Further she is a member of the scientific editorial board of Scientia Marina and reviews articles for more than 12 journals encompassing for instance Conservation Biology, Marine Ecology Progress Series or Marine Pollution Bulletin. To date the publication list covers more than 35 peer-reviewed articles, one book chapter and numerous reports.