Organized by the European Commission, DG MARE.
The conference will be opened by Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and will be chaired by Paola Imperiale, Minister Plenipotentiary, Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italy.
The conference will gather experts, industries and NGOs to discuss the coexistence of tourism and other maritime sectors in a context of increasing use of marine space.
Coastal and maritime tourism represent over one third of EU's maritime economy, generating €183 billion in gross value added and employing almost 3.2 million people. The sector has also been identified as one of the five areas for the sustainable growth of Europe's blue economy. However, it is confronted with new realities and challenges. The intensification of related sectors and the emergence of new activities that redefine the use of marine space create issues of access to space, safety and environmental sustainability.
With the entry into force of the Directive for Maritime Spatial Planning in September 2014, the tourism industry will be increasingly involved in MSP. With most touristic or recreational activities depending on a high quality environment, benefits will arise from long-term and integrated planning of the seas and coastal waters.
You will find the draft agenda of the conference on this website. The conference will focus especially on:
- Competition and coexistence between tourism and the other sectors;
- The specific spatial needs and challenges of the cruise industry (traffic separation schemes, scenic quality, port facilities, environmental impacts, etc.);
- The management of cumulative pressures of touristic activities in marine and coastal waters;
- The development of eco-tourism in Marine Protected Areas and the value of marine biodiversity;
- The benefits provided by MSP for the development of new touristic activities (e.g. underwater trails, surfing reserves) and the management of underwater cultural heritage.
For more info, please click here
27 November 2014
The conference will take place at the Palazzo Franchetti, San Marco, 2842, 30124 Venezia. For more info click here
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