The Institute of Marine Sciences (ISMAR) of CNR is a 200-person Institute dedicated to Marine Science, with headquarters in Venice and 6 detached branches. CNR-ISMAR conducts research in polar, oceanic and Mediterranean regions, has participated and coordinated several EU projects and carries out basic and applied researches in the field of marine environment. CNR-ISMAR has a strong interdisciplinary organization - including geologists, biologists, ecologists, physicians, oceanographers, engineers - and its main research activities with relevance for the present call are: natural and anthropogenic factors impacting economically and socially on coastal systems; fisheries resources assessment; studies on sustainable commercial fishing and aquaculture; fishery technologies; pollution study in coastal and deep-sea environments; submarine habitats and ecology; monitoring coastal and deep sea environment; biological and physical oceanography, marine biogeochemistry.
Description of Personnel Involved in the Project
Pierpaolo Campostrini
Degree in Electrical Engineering (1984), post-lauream diploma in Plasma Physics (1985). Public qualification for the Engineering profession (1985) From 1987 to 1998, he was tenured researcher of National Council Research and contract professor in the University of Padua and Udine, acquiring international experience in large scientific projects in Fusion research. He was also CEO and President of a company between local public administrations. In the role of CORILA’s director, he managed several research programs, complex monitoring programs (for the construction of MOSE system and for the implementation of WFD in the lagoon of Venice) and territorial plans (Morphological Plan for the Venice Lagoon), funded by the Italian Government. He was co-founder and President of LaguNet, the Italian network on lagoon research and co-founder of the European Association EUROMEDLAG. He is co-chair of the Working Group on GNSS of NEREUS, Network of European Regions interested in Space technologies. He is resident member of Ateneo Veneto. He was awarded in 2009 with the Prize for Excellence of managers’ national association MANAGERITALIA, for the results achieved in management of scientific research. He participates, with leading roles, in various European projects such as FP6 SPICOSA and ENCORA and FP7 (THESEUS; KULTURISK, VISION RD4SD and DANCERS), CENTRAL EUROPE (UHI),MED Programme (APICE), e-Content Programme (GIS4 EU), DG ENV (OURCOAST and Technical and administrative support for the joint implementation of the MSFD by the Mediterranean European Member States). He was part of the “Group of Ten” established with the support of the EC-DG MARE in 2009 for establishing a stakeholder platform related to the Integrated Maritime Policy. He participated as invited speaker by the EC in the workshops related to the macro regional EUSAIR strategy. Concerning specifically MSP, he followed the launching of the European roadmap on MSP since the beginning, participating to the EC seminars held in 2009 in Brussels and in the Azores. He is author of several scientific papers, reviewer and member of the Editorial board of scientific journals, editor of volumes on the safeguarding of Venice, lecturer for the Venice International University.
Andrea Barbanti
Degree in geology (1984) and Ph.D in Earth Sciences (1988) and a background in environmental geochemistry and coastal oceanography. Manager of the Environmental and Territory Engineering Division of Thetis S.p.A. - Venice (2009-2011), Senior Researcher at ISPRA (Italian National Environmental Agency) - Rome and Senior Consultant of the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea (2007-2008), Project Manager and Environmental Engineering Area Manager at Thetis S.p.A. (1999-2006). Competence and experiences in the following fields: ICZM; coastal oceanography and ecology of marine and transitional water bodies; environmental master planning and EIS, with specific reference to water resources, remediation of contaminated sites, sediment management; environmental monitoring networks and systems; environmental policy implementation; knowledge brokering / science-policy interface. In the last 15 years he was involved, designed and/or coordinated a number of projects dealing with the safeguarding of Venice and its Lagoon. Lecturer at International Courses promoted by the Italian Ministry of the Environment for Eastern Europe countries and China (2004-2009). Team Leader of the Red Sea Study, one of the Additional Studies of the Red Sea - Dead Sea Water Conveyance Study Program (World Bank) (2010-2011). Senior expert in two services for DG ENV supporting new policy tools for ICZM (Analysis of Member States progress reports on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM); Options for coastal information systems) and for EEA within the ETC-CCA - European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation (2011). Presently involved in the “RITMARE Flagship Programme - The Italian research for the sea” as responsible on behalf of CNR-ISMAR of the Action dealing with science to policy transfer and involvement of Administrations and stakeholders. Member of the Steering Group of SedNet (Sediment European Network) since 2007.
Roberto Zonta
Degree in Physics (1983). Postgraduate Diplomes of the European Institute for Advanced Study in Oceanography, in "Modelling of Marine Ecosystems” (1990) and "Biogeochemical Processes in Estuaries" (1991). Senior scientist (2001) at the Institute of Marine Sciences in Venice. Head of the Venice Headquarter (2009). Head of the Committe TA.P03.009 (Quality of the transitional environments)of the CNR Department "Sciences of the Earth System and Technology for the Environment (2005). Leader of the Sub-Project 3 "Planning of the Maritime Maritime spatial planning in the coastal zone" of the Flagship Project RITMARE (2012). Coordinator for ISMAR within the agreement between CNR and ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale, Ministery of the Environment) for data collection and analysis for the MSFD (2012). Main research topics are hydrodynamics of shallow water systems, pollution processes (heavy metals), urban pollution, and eco-hydrology.
Alessandro Sarretta
Ph.D. In Environmental Sciences (2007) and a Degree in Environmental Sciences (2002), both at Ca' Foscari University (Venice, Italy). He gained experience in the geospatial domain getting a Master's degree in Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing (2005) at IAUV University (Venice). His main field of work is in the coastal and lagoon domains, collecting, analyzing and processing data on morphology, sedimentology, bathymetry, hydrodynamics, effect of human interventions on coastal systems. He is an expert in standardization and interoperability of geospatial data and systems, working with GIS software (mainly open source), web-based Spatial Data Infrastructures, international standards (ISO, OGC, INSPIRE) for metadata, datasets and web services related to environmental data. He's leading a Working Group inside the RITMARE project (www.ritmare.it), dealing with the creation of an interoperable infrastructure for marine data. He's collaborating to the Atlas of the Lagoon of Venice (http://www.silvenezia.it/) through the development of the collaborative geoportal system CIGNo (http://cigno.ve.ismar.cnr.it/).
Loredana Teresa Alfarè
Degree in Sociology, University “La Sapienza” in Rome. She is responsible for developing international projects, support researchers in preparing project proposals, widespread project results and enhance CNR/ISMAR’s visibility through several initiatives. At present she is responsible for the communication and networking of the project GHOST and for the monitoring of the project ENVEUROPE both financed by LIFE + programme.
For the Territorial Cooperation Programmes she developed and coordinated the following projects: INNOREF, WAREMA, WASMAN and PROGECO. She was responsible of participation process in the projects DIAMONT, CHERPLAN and ALPCITY.
She was responsible for the socio-economic analysis in projects financed by the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs: Analysis and Technical-economical proposal for Sofia Water Supply System” (Bulgaria) and Medium size dams in Manicaland and Mashonaland East (Zimbabwe).
Paola Focaccia
Administrative Secretary at CNR- ISMAR in Bologna from May 2010. She works on accounting management of the ISMAR Institute of Bologna. From 2005 to 2010 she has been Junior researcher at ISMAR: she participated to scientific, technical management and administrative activities related to several National and International projects. From 2005 she managed the financial reporting of projects financed by EU and Italian National public bodies (FP7, Italian National financing programs PNRA, PRIN, POR-FESR). From 2004 to 2007 she has been Financial Manager for the EU LIFE project “EMMA” and from 2010 she is involved in Financial and Technical management of the EU LIFE+ project “EnvEurope”.
MSc. Degree in Environmental Sciences, PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering Sciences, Master in Europroject design (fundraising and project development).
Experience in project management, supporting the coordination and research activities under FP7 European projects on the topic of defining the indicators for environmental assessment of North-African coastal ecosystems, and developing tools for substainable aquaculture in Egypt. Focus on the development of aquaculture site selection on the basis of satellite-derived data.
Experience in coordination and execution of technical support to environmental protection regional authority on sampling and surveying sediment, water, macrophytes, macrozoobenthos, phytoplankton and fish fauna samples, planning, acquisition, control and data analysis, disseminating data/information.
PhD in coastal morphodynamic concerning the evaluation of bed sediment properties, on the basis of meteorological, tidal and turbidimetric data and the experimental analysis of the impact of macroalgae on sediment and flow dynamics in shallow tidal environments.
Contact Details
Official address: Arsenale - Tesa 104, Castello 2737/F, 30122 Venice, Italy
T: (+39) 041 2407989, F: (+39) 041 2407940, E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., W: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact person responsible for the organisation of the project’s work (the coordinator):
Name: Andrea Barbanti, E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.