Emilia-Romagna Region, together with the National Authorities, has a general territorial and institutional competence on environment management and on soil and coast defense, and it exerts this competence through the Directorate General for Environment, Soil and Coast Protection (DG). Some of the specific competence of the DG are: water protection, soil and coast defense, Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), waste management, sustainable development, biodiversity, parks and protected areas, air quality and climate change. ERR has also a specific working-group on international cooperation projects focused on environmental themes. Also, through the ongoing projects SHAPE, MAREMED, WaterCore, etc, ERR is developing further competences and skills in the matters addressed by the project, specifically on ICZM and Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP). ERR adopted the ICZM Guidelines in 2005, a non binding comprehensive tool to address all the activities affecting the coastal area towards the economic, social and environmental sustainability. The Regional Minister for Environment of ERR is also the President of the Commission for Environment of the Adriatic-Ionian Euroregion and this will be an added value in the project management and in the transnational coordination. ERR has long experience in international and cross-border cooperation in particular in territorial cooperation programmes (past Interreg A,B,C and current cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation), INTERACT and IPA Programmes. ERR has participated in 34 projects as Lead partner and in more than 100 projects as project partner. The DG has been involved in several EU projects. Among the most recent projects linked to ADRI-PLAN objectives are: WaterCore (INTERREG IV-C), Coastance and MAREMED (MED), Sarma (South-East Europe), Coast-Best and Wataclic (LIFE+). The most relevant as far as project contents are concerned is the ongoing SHAPE Project (IPA) led by DG itself and involving a wide partnership with representatives of all Adriatic Countries, which set the basis for the activities to be carried out in ADRI-PLAN. As a matter of fact, effective synergies shall be developed between SHAPE and ADRI-PLAN in those activities concerning the creation of an MSP-oriented common database for the Adriatic-Ionian sea basin.

Description of Personnel Involved in the Project

bortoneGiuseppe Bortone

Graduated in Biological Sciences in 1983 at Parma University. He was researcher for the Animal Productions Research Centre in Reggio Emilia and then for the National Agency for Energy, New Technologies and Environment (ENEA), firstly as a researcher from then as the Head of the Waste Water Treatment and Water Cycle Unit of ENEA. Bortone was the Head of the Water Department of Emilia-Romagna Region, responsible for the Regional Water Plan and water resources management, and for the ICZM. From January 2007 until present he was the Director General for Environment, Soli and Coast Protection of Emilia-Romagna Region. he is responsible of the achievement of objectives related to environmental quality, territorial safety, sustainable development. He manages a staff of about 590 people, divided in 14 Departments: Water, Waste, Protected Areas, Air Quality, Environmental and Sustainable development Education, EIA, General Affairs and Legislation, Geological and Seismic Survey, Soil and Coastal Planning, plus 5 Operational Units for the flood/landslide risk control. From 1999 to 2004 was a consultant for water/sediment treatment and management at the Italian Ministry for Environment. From January 2002 from December 2006 he was the coordinator of the European Sediment Research Network (SedNet). He published more than 100 national and international scientific papers.

Contact Details

Official address: Viale della Fiera 8, 40127 Bologna, Italy
T: (+39) 0515276065, F: (+39) 0515276991, E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., W: http://ambiente.regione.emilia-romagna.it/

Contact person responsible for the organisation of the project’s work (the coordinator): Name: Giuseppe Bortone, E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About Us

ADRIPLAN aims to deliver a commonly-agreed approach to cross-border MSP in the Adriatic-Ionian region, considered as a whole and more specifically through two Focus Areas (Northern Adriatic Sea; Southern Adriatic / Northern Ionian Sea).