As the Commission’s in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre’s mission is to provide EU policies with independent, evidence-based scientific and technical support throughout the whole policy cycle. Working in close cooperation with policy Directorates-General, the JRC addresses key societal challenges while stimulating innovation through developing new methods, tools and standards, and sharing its know-how with the Member States, the scientific community and international partners. Key policy areas include: environment and climate change; energy and transport; agriculture and food security; health and consumer protection; information society and digital agenda; safety and security, including nuclear; all supported through a cross-cutting and multi-disciplinary approach.
Description of Personnel Involved in the Project
baraleVittorio Barale
Graduated in Physics (1977) from the University of Milan and then received both his MS (1982) and PhD (1986) in Marine Sciences at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego. Since 1990 he has been with the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. His research focuses on the ecological assessment of marginal and enclosed seas, and their coastal margins in particular, primarily using remote sensing techniques. In recent years, he has been involved in the development of both Integrated Coastal Management and Maritime Spatial Planning concepts at the European Union level.
Contact Details
Official address: Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES), Unit H.01 Water Resources (WRU)
Office 27B 02/120 – T.P. 272, Via E. Fermi 2749, I-21027 Ispra (VA), Italy
T: (+39) 0332 789274  F: (+39) 0332 789034, E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  W:  

Contact person responsible for the organisation of the project’s work (the coordinator): Name: Vittorio Barale, E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

About Us

ADRIPLAN aims to deliver a commonly-agreed approach to cross-border MSP in the Adriatic-Ionian region, considered as a whole and more specifically through two Focus Areas (Northern Adriatic Sea; Southern Adriatic / Northern Ionian Sea).