Marche Region cooperates to the development and updating of the national strategy for the seas, and proposes a national policy of the sea in its different forms, in particular to plan and organize maritime space in its various uses and activities, to monitor and participate to the development of the maritime policy European Union Integrated and promote national and international cooperation for all the resources of the sea. The Marche region is directly responsible for defining, proposing and implementing national policies that will define objectives and programs derived from marine water framework directive (MSFD) and on inland and coastal waters (WFD). Marche Region is also responsible for the direct management of public water, prepares and implements the planning policies to protect and conserve the sea and the maritime-terrestrial public water; prepares and implements the planning policies on research and conservation of biodiversity of marine ecosystems. In addition, Marche Region carries a wide range of functions relating to the sustainability of the coast and the sea, such as the economic and financial management also of the maritime domain, the marine strategies, the network of marine protected areas, species and marine habitats and mandatory disclosures concerning discharges, activities and projects in the Middle Marino.
Description of Personnel Involved in the Project
Luigi Bolognini
Is a chemical of the Department Territory and Environment and deals with planning of inland waters and coastal sea, for the implementation of the WFD, and planning of marine waters, for the implementation of the MSFD. For the WFD (Water Framework Directive) has developed and coordinated a number of activities that led to the approval of the Plan for the Protection of the Waters of the Marche Region and implemented different lines of activities of the Management Plans for the River Basin Districts of the Northern and Central Apennines. He coordinates the activities of the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of the Marche (ARPAM) to monitoring the water, the measures to be taken for the maintenance and achievement of the quality objectives and the planning of activities necessary for the implementation of the measures. In particular, he coordinates the activities relating to the management of bathing water, the management of coastal waters relative to eutrophic phenomena, integrating with the defense of the coast and the sea. For the MSFD (Marine Strategy Directive Framework), is a member of the Technical Committee and coordinates the activities of regional monitoring, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Protection of Land and Sea, and investigation activities to support the implementation of the MSFD.
Contact Details
Official address: via Tiziano 40, 60125 Ancona 40, 60125 Ancona, ITALY
T: (+39) 071 8063479, F: (+39) 071 8063012, E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., W: http://www.ambiente.regione.marche.it/Ambiente/Acqua.aspx
Contact person responsible for the organisation of the project’s work (the coordinator): Name: Luigi Bolognini, E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.