The Venice Port Authority (APV) is a public body whose task is to guide, plan, co-ordinate, promote and monitor port operations. It is also in charge of maintaining common areas and the seabed, overseeing the supply of services of general interest, managing the State Maritime Property and planning the development of the port. Strategically located at the top end of the Adriatic sea, at the intersection of the main European transport corridors and of the Motorways of the Seas (MoS), the Port of Venice is in a position to act as the European gateway for trade flows to and from Asia, and the main entry point to a vast area of Central Europe - including amongst others North-Eastern Italy, Austria and Bayern - in addition to Eastern Europe and some of the European Union's most dynamic markets. To ensure and enhance traffic in the port, APV conducts research on the international economic outlook, the port's current and potential hub and the state of its infrastructure. Its actions are coordinated and fully in tune with the guidelines and planning tools of other public institutions, the European Union and Local Bodies. The port of the future envisaged by APV will expand its activities to all the land it controls directly, to enjoy the added value of advanced logistics services. In order to increase the efficiency of port services, APV encourages ship access and port operations and is currently enhancing its rail, internal waterway and road connections. APV is also committed to ensuring the sustainable development of the port while safeguarding the local environment (Green Port), improving security and safety (Safe Port), disseminating information on how the port benefits the local territory (Open Port Initiative) and contributing to social wellbeing (Ethical Port). APV, along with the three Northern Adriatic seaports have constituted the NAPA association. Venice, Trieste, Koper and Rijeka being located at the northern tip of Adriatic sea represent a natural waterway that penetrates deep into the middle of the European continent, thus providing the cheapest naval route from the Far East via Suez to Europe with a distance that is about 2,000 Nm shorter than other North-European ports. More than 100 million ton of water-borne cargo are handled in the NAPA seaports every year. The four entities combine their strengths in order to promote the Northern Adriatic route and present themselves as an alternative to the North-European ports. In addition, the association anticipates cooperation in the development of maritime and hinterland connections, visits from cruise lines, environmental protection, safety and information technology. The ports of NAPA will also invest efforts into the coordinated planning of road, rail and maritime infrastructure, as well as the harmonization of regulations and procedures in the field of port service provision.
Description of Personnel Involved in the Project
James Orlandi
Is head of Projects Research and Development Unit, he manages and coordinates the submission and implementation of European projects and national funding programs for APV. The Projects Research and Development Unit, besides Mr. Orlandi, counts on 7 employees (permanent and temporary staff). It works in strict coordination with APV departments in order to seek European and National funding possibility for activities foreseen in APV Three-Year Operational Plan.
Nicola Torricella (Technical Manager)
Is an engineer in environment and territory management; he coordinates the technical department that builds and maintains the port's infrastructure, such as roads, railways, quays, channels and other structures and networks. He also draws the Urban Plan, along the lines set within APV Three-Year Operational Plan, and manages environmental issues concerning port activities, through its dedicated environmental unit. Mr. Torricella is the sole responsible of every intervention on port infrastructures from the technical, administrative and environmental point of view. Mr. Torricella operates, with the whole APV management board to draw the port’s Three-Year Operational Plan.
Cecilia Volpato
Is part of APV permanent staff in Projects Research and Development Unit. She is in charge of seeking funding possibility for VPA, proceeding for new proposals submission, managing administrative and coordinating technical development of European projects and national funding projects.
Contact Details
Official address: Santa Marta – Fabbricato 13, 30123 Venice, Italy
T: (+39) 0415334111, F: (+39) 0415334254, E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., W: http://www.port.venice.it
Contact person responsible for the organisation of the project’s work (the coordinator): Name: James Orlandi, E:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.