The Regional Development Centre Koper (hereafter RDC Koper), a non-profit and non-governmental organization, is an authorised Regional Development Agency, which promotes regional and local development in the field of economy, enterpreneurship, human development, rural development, environmental and spatial planning issues.
RDC Koper acts as a secretariat to the Council of South Primorska region, Regional Development Council and to other stakeholders.
The most important tasks of RDC Koper are:
Regional development:
- regional development programming;
- coordination and harmonisation of regional development programme with state’s development programming documents;
- financial planning for implementation of the RDP;
- monitoring, reporting and supervising of implementation of RDP;
- steering public participation processes, information campaigns related to the regional development,
- advising, supporting, implementing of regional projects,
- technical and administrative support to the regional development governance structure;
Promotion of entrepreneurship:
- management of the regional guaranty scheme;
- clustering of companies,
- Voucher counselling programme
- Issuing the informative monthly magazine "Podjetniški glas Primorske" (Entrepreneurial Voice of Primorska)
- VEM - One-stop shop,
Human development:
- management of regional scholarship scheme,
- management of training courses for young enterpreneurs;
Rural development:
- management of the Local Action Group for Rural Development,
ICZM, spatial planning:
- support to the Integrated coastal zone management, marine spatial planning.
RDC has rich experience in international cooperation in EU cross-border partnerships with Italy and Croatia, interregional and transnational programmes, on the EU level and broader (UNEP/MAP (Mediterranean Action Plan) programme).
Part of its activity is related to the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (coordination of the MAP Coastal Area Management Programme for Slovenia(2004-2007); spatial planning (coordination of two CAMP spatial planning projects: Conception of Spatial Development of South Primorska and Detailed Conception of Coastal Strip Spatial Arrangements). RDC was partner in the PlanCoast (Interreg IIIB Cadses) project, in which we prepared national report on policies, legal framework and practice of MSP in Slovenia and a study on MSP in the framework of ICZM in Slovenia. Currently RDP is a partner in the SHAPE (Slovenia-Italy Cross-border cooperation programme), in which coordinates WP on Informative system oriented to support ICZM and MSP at Adriatic basin and regional scale and on development of a demonstrative GIS Atlas.
Description of Personnel Involved in the Project
Slavko Mezek
MSc in landscape architecture, graduated at the University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty (1982). He was employed with the urban planning organisation Invest biro (1983-1993), working on spatial planning, urban planning and landscape design projects. In the period 1993-2001 he was employment at the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, National office for Spatial Planning, as an adviser to the director for regional spatial planning, dealing also with the integrated coastal zone management. Between years 2001 – 2004, he was independent entrepreneur, working on various spatial planning and landscape design projects. He coordinated the preparation of the Regional development programme for the South Primorska region 2002-2006. From 2004 onwards he works at RDCK as a Project manager and his main tasks refers to Regional development programming, monitoring and evaluation, Project management (EU cross-border, interregional, transnational projects, MAP projects), Project related to ICZM, MSP, Spatial planning, Environmental protection, Nature conservation.
He is a member of Slovenian Landscape Architects Society. He obtained State certifications: Certificate for state administration employees; License for authorized spatial planners according to the Construction Act. Other important trainings: Summer School of Land Policy (Cambridge 1993, University of Cambridge), various seminars and trainings in the field of project management, communication skills, computer skills; Project management training for the purpose of preparation, implementation and supervision of Regional development projects; Integrated Coastal Zone Management Modular Training (in the framework of METAP Programme in the United Nations/MAP Priority Actions Programme Regional Activity Centre).
Vlasta Starc
Studied at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economy in the period 1995-2000. Trained in management and coordination acquired through leading of projects from EU programmes, Training in management, coordination and implementation of “voucher” system of counseling, Training in management, coordination and implementation of “E-VEM” system for company registration. She is Project manager at RDCK, her main tasks are related to financial management, business consultant, employment consultant, implementation of projects from EU programmes, publication of the monthly magazine for entrepreneurs in our region, general and specific counselling for SMEs, preparation of the documentation for company registration procedures, organization of meetings, workshops and conferences, reporting to appropriate financing authority, project and team work – work in projects in the fields of entrepreneurship, environment protection, spatial planning, tourism.
Irena Cergol
Studied at the University of Trieste, Faculty of Economy and Commerce in the period 1992-1997. She is University Graduated Bachelor of Science in Economics She is trained in management and coordination acquired through leading of projects from EU programmes, Training in management, coordination and implementation of “voucher” system of counselling, Training in management, coordination and implementation of “E-VEM” system for company registration. She is Project manager at RDCK, her main tasks are related to financial management, business consultant, employment consultant, guarantee fund manager, implementation, financial reporting and the internal handling of projects from EU programmes, publication of the monthly magazine for entrepreneurs, general and specific counselling for SMEs, preparation of the documentation for company registration procedures, organization of meetings, workshops and conferences, reporting to appropriate financing authority, project and team work – work in projects in the fields of entrepreneurship, environment protection, spatial planning, tourism.
Contact Details
Official address: ULICA 15. MAJA 19, 6000 Koper, Slovenia
T: (+386) 5 66 37580, F: (+386) 5 66 37 581, E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., W:
Contact person responsible for the organisation of the project’s work (the coordinator): Name: Slavko Mezek, E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.